Wire Portrait Class
with Diane Komater

In this class I will guide students in making a 3-D contour drawing of a person with dark steel wire. No prior experience necessary. With a little effort, you will learn how to draw with wire. At the end of class, you will have a realistic wire rendering of your subject, suspended by a wire box. Your wire portrait will cast an interesting shadow giving your image depth. I love it!
Bring to class an 8x10 headshot\ black and white copy of someone or yourself, (the bigger the face the better), and a pair of needle nose pliars. I will supply the wire and will have extra pliars on hand.
I have been bending wire for over 30 years and am self taught. My work can be seen; diane_komater Instagram, dianekomater.com, UMA Gallery in Oakland, FreeHand Gallery in Los Angeles and by appointment with The Wireist at; thewireist@gmail.com
Where? UMA Gallery, 3630 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, Ca.
When? July 23rd
Time? 11am to 4pm
Tuition? $185
Why? Because this class is fun and rewarding and you'll learn new wire skills to add to your toolbox!
Student example
Student example
Diane Komater